These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Blog time on the south szide. I have made completely no progress on the movie in the last three days.....well, maybe a thimble full. ANYWAYS, I keep looking for something interesting to add here. So far....not a whole lot has come to mind, as you probably discovered from edge of the seat excitement included in the previous entries. April got a new cell phone. It's cool, a neat new nokia camera bluetooth phone. Having my balls in teh perverbial vice i decided not to let my girlfriend trump me on the technology front. I must admit that my current cell phone is a nokia that is the equivalent to Strom Sturmond....except not dead. you know i had a good joke and or point with that, but i was just called upon to record a voice message for my girlfriends phone....ah yes...regardless of all of that back to my dinosaur-esque nokia. Well i'll be honest it's been a good phone over all these years, but it's definately showing its age. With April's new phone I decided that I should actually take a second and look into my contract to see when I could upgrade. To my surprise that time was a near approaching....three months ago. Right, so needless to say I jumped on and struggled to get logged in for approximately twenty minutes. My gosh that was an adventure, so after the battle with the login screen. I paroused the phone collection and settled on a sony erickson T637 Camera Phone I like the idea of a camera phone and bluetooth, my gosh I love bluetooth, sending all my contacts wirelessly...can i get a woo woo? Anywho, now that I have placed my order to get perverbial vice loosened I feel back on top of the techno game. Good stuff. Well...........i think that might just do it for me. i need to start switching my address book to the ole mac daddy to ensure smooth bluetooth transition. Giddy'up.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

What can i say it's been more then a bit since my last post. Guess I've just been lazy lately. Actually, i think it's more because I don't smoke as many cigars anymore....what you say can't follow my logic in this explanation, let me go more in depth. smoking cigars = out on the deck in the evening = adding an entry to the blog...........while......not smoking cigars =not being out on the deck in the evening = being a lazy blogger. Anyways, here's a quick sum of whats happening with me. First of all The interview with Mr. StuFfed movie has been shot and is in the middle of being put together by me. It's taking a bit longer then i anticipated. The movie itself is pretty much done, however i still need to edit up a blooper reel, come up with an intro, compose some music for it, and design packaging. There's alot more to it then meats the eye. I plan on putting up some short quicktime clips of the movie on soon. Hmm, work is keeping me pretty busy. Not a whole lot going on really, I've been feeling under the weather as of late it seems like saint louis is alot more demanding on my allergies for some reason. Well I'm gonna wrap it up now. peace