These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Blog time on the south szide. I have made completely no progress on the movie in the last three days.....well, maybe a thimble full. ANYWAYS, I keep looking for something interesting to add here. So far....not a whole lot has come to mind, as you probably discovered from edge of the seat excitement included in the previous entries. April got a new cell phone. It's cool, a neat new nokia camera bluetooth phone. Having my balls in teh perverbial vice i decided not to let my girlfriend trump me on the technology front. I must admit that my current cell phone is a nokia that is the equivalent to Strom Sturmond....except not dead. you know i had a good joke and or point with that, but i was just called upon to record a voice message for my girlfriends phone....ah yes...regardless of all of that back to my dinosaur-esque nokia. Well i'll be honest it's been a good phone over all these years, but it's definately showing its age. With April's new phone I decided that I should actually take a second and look into my contract to see when I could upgrade. To my surprise that time was a near approaching....three months ago. Right, so needless to say I jumped on and struggled to get logged in for approximately twenty minutes. My gosh that was an adventure, so after the battle with the login screen. I paroused the phone collection and settled on a sony erickson T637 Camera Phone I like the idea of a camera phone and bluetooth, my gosh I love bluetooth, sending all my contacts wirelessly...can i get a woo woo? Anywho, now that I have placed my order to get perverbial vice loosened I feel back on top of the techno game. Good stuff. Well...........i think that might just do it for me. i need to start switching my address book to the ole mac daddy to ensure smooth bluetooth transition. Giddy'up.


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