These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Monday, July 26, 2004

Who let the blogs out? You know i never intentionally started to start my blogs with a fun little blog reference, it just kind of happened. It's actually quite annoying....even to me, but for some reason I find myself digging a little deeper everytime i post to outdo myself, and I think i just hit rock bottom on the blog intro phrase, so at this exact point in time i don't thinki'll do it anymore....but that will most likely change tommorow, or whenever i post next. Not much happening today, was actually productive at work today, felt good. I was soooooo tired this morning I was chugging coffee like it was going out of style. Seriously five cups in an hour. It finally started to kick in at about eleven.....and died off at about two, I resorted to a coke and a bag of skittles to take me through the last part of the afternoon. April decided that she wanted to look at one of those new scion car things. So we took the long long long journey across the street to the toyota dealership. I had every intention of just riding along and tossing my two cents in, but as it turns out at toyota you have to be 21 to test drive a car...before i knew it april told the sales guy that i would drive I did, I gotta say that little car impressed me. The designers really went all out. It only packs a v4 under the hood, but it's got great response and exceleration. The steering was very pleasing giving totall control. It was an overall smooth ride. The scion aesthetics are equally well defined with sharp looking wheels and a dual sunroof, which basically means that the it's a glass roof from front to rear windshield. The seats in the car do all kinds of crazy things, from reclining in back to folding down, as well as the passenger seat folding back completely for optimal hauling capabilities. This sweet little car comes in at a respectable eighteen grand. Very pleasant price considering the nice features. God damn, i feel like i'm trying to sell this car. I think that'd be a good car for her sometime down the road, but only time will tell. As for me, i'm still loving my magnum. Damn, magnum, isn't that just the manliest name for a car. Sounds like something Arnold would say before killing someguy with a bazooka. Good stuff. It's soo nice out tonight, i've been out on the balcony for about two hours now, just enjoying the great low humidity sixty degree weather. I wish it could be like this all the time. It's ideal in my book. My sister is currently exploring a new car option. I told her she needs to at least test out the scion, unfortunately there's none in quincy I hear. I think she has her eye on a 2005 toyota corolla. She's pretty close to breaking down and getting it, but with her nothing is a quick decision. Well I guess that pretty much wraps it up for today. Hmm, i ended up filling up the ole blog box pretty good considering there's not alot going on, cool eh?


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