These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Today...well technically yesterday (past midnight) is the d-day memorial. I think more often than not we overlook exactly what that means. I know that I'm guilty of doing this at least. I was fortunate enought to catch a really good special on the discovery channel about the d-day campaign. You hear about it in high school history, but until you're older I don't think that one is capable of really understanding what those men did in the name of freedom. I mean when the entire d-day campaign was broken down into the major parts it really hit me deep. The odds were stacked against the allied forces from the get go. Once they hit that beach all hell broke loose. I have a deep deep admiration for those men. Most of them were about my age and they found themselves there on that beach facing death all while pushing forward. I can't imagine being in their shoes. To see you're friends being mauled down my bullets all while charging towards the enemy line all on the soil of a native country, all for the name of freedom. What a powerfull thing. I could go on and on about how deeply that program got to me, but fact of the matter is this. Tom Brokaw refers to the people of that generation as the greatest generation and I must agree. They just don't make them like they used to I guess. A solemn thanks I offer to all of those living and deceased who with their blood assured that the air we breathe was full of opportunity and justice for all.
I found out today that a mentor and a friend is struggling with cancer. He's only about ten years older then me. It really hit me hard. You never think about the statistics and the presence of cancer until it reaches out and grabs someone who plays a role in your life. My thoughts and prayers are with him. I'm sure his positive outlook and close relationship to god will help in his struggle with cancer. Quite a solemn night in all. No pics this time, didn't have anything that really fit the mood.
Well as far as my life is concerned I still have no leads on jobs, the classifieds didn't even offer any opportunities. I grow more and more stressed about the situation everyday. I slept in till eleven the other day. All because I knew that there was nothing to do that day. I hate that. This is the first time where I've had a completely empty schedule, and I gotta admit, I hate it. I've always been working, or attending classes, or doing something to solidify my worth of existance but the last month has left me with nothing but a nervous depresses ache in my stomach. I really wish that I was back in school postponing the real world a bit longer, but that's not in the card and I'll have to make do. I'm going to talk to some temp agencies tommorow. I really hope that something turns up soon. Cause I'm really going crazy right now. Later.


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