These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Have you had your blog today? Massive storms roared through the lou last night.
The worst of it missed our small neck of the woods luckily. Unfortunately however, University city, the location of my job was hit real good. I strolled into the office today right on time....I would have been much earlier if it had not been for the fantastic traffic lights being out for about thirty blocks. So here I am back strolling in. The office is pitch black. Nada light insight. Apparently most of University City was in the dark. All the employees were hudled around the only source of light...the front door/windows. So one of the IT guys it told to track down a generator. About an hour and a half later, here come two spanking new because the generators that the company once had were apparently stolen or something....didn't really get the full story on it.. Anyways, So here come the generators, now I can get to work. But Wait! the generators are only going to be powerfull enough to get the phones online, and only a few of the main servers. So here we are with no lights, no air, no computers. The boss conveniently stays home and dictates via phone. He doesn't want anyone to leave for fear of loosing sales that we can't make anyways without the computers online. Whatever. So from 8 to 12:30 I literally did absolutely nothing but sit in the dark corner at my desk and space out. I didn't have anything to do at all. It sucked alot. Hopefully the power will be up and running tommorow, but it's hard to say because the "estimated" time it will take was 9:30pm tonight. Fun stuff eh? So yay for doing nothing constructive today!!!!!


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