These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A a nice warm fresh blog right out of the oven for everyone. Super Duper! Let's see, quite an eventfull couple of weeks. I purchased a dodge magnum. I kind of hated to get rid of the old trusty civic, but it was time. I really like the magnum though. I sure get alot of doubletakes and looks in it though, it's so different from anything out on the road, it attracts alot of attention. Work is good i'm falling into the daily routine so that's cool. The cat is getting declawed on friday which is a good thing, i caught her trying to climb the wall earlier...crazy stuff. Aprils family from Muskogee is due in thursday evening. It'll be nice to see them, but man that apartment is going to be jammed beyond the limitations for several days. We're going to check out a cardinal game, that should be cool, haven't been to one in a long long time. Not too much happening on the travis hoffman design side or music side, i'm pretty much just working and heading home and taking it easy. I got some ideas for projects I want to act on, but it'll probably take a while to get off the ground. I've been trying to get a hold of some of my main compadres lately, but everyone is so busy, and well...unavailable for contact, that it's really quite frustrating. i'd like to pop into rokusek next time in quincy to say hey, but i doubt i'll get the chance since i'm a fulltime worker these days. Those were some great times I had there. I miss the creative side of graphic design. I'm more of a graphic manipulator now. It's got its pros and cons. For instance pro....i'm getting insanely fast in photoshop using all kinds of keyboard shortcuts. I fly through pathing a machine part. Con...there's no creativity involved. I definately miss that aspect. Oh well I guess I have to learn to crawl in the real world before I can walk. Se La Vie. That's gonna do it I suppose, peace.


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