These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Friday, August 27, 2004

another day another blog. Commint to you from the couch on a hellaciously humid friday night. I picked up a 12" powerbook the other day, was gonna go with a new monitor, but opted for the powerbook instead. It's so sleak and cool. Love it. Using it now. Yay. Nathan Welsh, Dan Tieken, and myself plan on doing a movie sketch skit production called Interview with Mr. Stu Ffed. It's gonna be a funny original one of a kind piece. We start filming next weekend. I'm directing and producing it as well as editing and all art design. We've got a solid storyline set up full of little quips and oddities. Should be a pretty good looking production when all is said and done. Look for something about it on in the future. Not a whole lot else happening. I'm pretty busy with random things, like getting the office all pulled together. I pretty much just need a futon. April has started school and between work and school she's awfully busy. We're like an old couple to bed early and up early. Oh well it's all good. Well gonna get back to the Bush Series Race. Peace.


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