These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas, I have officially decided to offer my design services to the local music scene around quincy. I plan on offering web page design, album design, logo work, and flyer design. I decided to not set any standard pricing, because i know that kids in bands around town won't be able to afford the actual pricing of professionals. Hence I decided a good way to build up my portfolio is to offer cheap design. They get affordable design work and I get quality items for my portfolio. I'm pretty excited about it and I hope it takes off, i've gotten a couple of random nibbles so far, and I hope it continues. I plan on getting all my quincy hybrid items together and prepare it for entry in my portfolio today. Got some good stuff for christmas...a firewire pci card for my laptop...very I just have to utitlize it some. I got a little t.v. to set by my desktop dell so i can design and check out the ole tele. Wel I gots some work to do, laters.


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