These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Been a while. Yeah so i got my magnum all dinged up in a wreck. that was about a week ago. It stings.....alot. I got broadsided making a right turn. It was one of those freaky incidents that only happen once in a blue moon. I had no idea there was anyone behind me...i still don't know where they came from. But that's all in the past now. Gotta tell you though, i wouldn't recommend it with a dodge ram behind you. So i got a great big nasty scratched up divot above my back right wheel-well as well as the back of the rear a big old dent in the front passenger door. I'm getting it in to be fixed in a couple of weeks so that'll be good November definately didn't get off to a good start you know with Bushy and everything and my damaged car. I haven't made much progress on my pojects including the stu Ffed project which i just need to get onto a dvd otherwise it's all done. I'm still in the massive scanning phase of the project on my dad is still under way. Probably will be for a while. Well the cat has this obsession with tearing the crap out of toilet paper...kleenex...pretty much anything she can bite. I don't know what her deal is lately. Well I really need to do something productive. So that'll do it for now


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