These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Man i'm sick. I have bronchitis. It sucks. I'm feverish one minute and chilling the next, and I can't seem to get more then several hours of sleep a night due to the intene coughing which shakes the room and has somehow managed to make my neck and back sore. Other then that I guess I'm alright. I missed my classes today due to the sickness. I really needed today to just take it easy and get over my illness. One thing i don't understand is how i'm not horse. I mean i've been coughing for like three days's crazy, yet my voice is just fine. It's really odd to me. I plan to check out the new open mic night thing tonight. I don't know if I'll play or not, I probably shouldn't....but i won't promise that I won't. My new music website is still under constrution, and should probably be finished within a week or two. That's really about all I know. I'm about to go cash in a shitload of change I've been accumulating. and pick up a second guitar tuner so that I'm not always tryin gto remember where i put the one at. Well later.


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