These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I now have in my possession one of the fastest personal computers as of today. That's right the G5 is in the hizouse. It's beautiful, i mean i could just sit an look at it for like hours and not get bored. I've got all my software, changed over all my itunes music and photos, so I'm ready to start taking names and kicking as.....butt. I'm trying to cuss less. Anyways, Let's see what's happening other than the G5. Well on the design front I've just been commisioned to do the Cd album layout for a quincy band called Death Amongst Strangers. All the artwork should already be provided so the project will be smaller then the Quincy Hybrids album. I've got the first round of potential names out to the Dentist to check out he responded saying he really likes four of them alot, and he'll get back to me soon with his final choice. I'll be glad to get the ball rolling on that, it should be smooth sailing once he's made up his mind on what he wants to call it. I'm began to embrace the whole apartment thing. April and I are checking out apartments online and soon we'll start making some calls checking on availability and utilities. The one we have our eyes on is a one bed-room...however it has a large study that could double as a second bedroom. More then likely, however, it'll be a computer/office area for myself. I'm gonna make every effort implement the design scheme myself, i'm thinking silver, black, and white. all colors that will complement my computers and most importantly the sacred G5. Well that's about it for now. Laters


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