These are my ideas, my thoughts, my humble words and musings of me, a ponderer and liver of life.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Vegetarian's dirty little secrets

Food is yummy. I like it a lot. I’m your typical meat and potatoes kind of guy. Give me a nice juicy steak, a big honking pork chop, or even a nice chicken breast…and I’m a happy guy. Carnivore…that’s me. However on the other side of the metaphysical coin are vegetarians. They may or may not enjoy meat, however they’ve decided for whatever reason, that they don’t want to eat the animals. I respect this…or at least I did respect it. I did some deep thinking and realized something. Vegetarians are cold blooded killers. Ok… just a second…no need to write those emails or post those comments just yet….just hear me out here. I do have a point. I swear. I mean that wouldn’t be very good for someone to make an outrageous claim that vegetarians are cold blooded killers without some logic hiding somewhere. I can hear the arguments already. “Vegetarians aren’t killers we don’t kill the animals, people who eat animals are killers…if not directly they support the cause by eating meat, therefore supporting the killing of animals.” This is partially true. Among the carnivore sector of the human race there are indeed those hypocritical people who scold hunters…however eat meat. My good friend Mike is a devoted hunter and is definitely a pro-hunting activist. He makes the previous point quite often. If you’re going to eat meat you have no right to complain about an animal getting slaughtered for eating or consumption purposes. Given this point, I feel I must give vegetarians credit. Not only are they against the killing of animals for food, but they back up the talk by walking the walk. Good for you, I think that’s great…I really do. However I invite you to take a step over the edge for a moment…to a place I like to call…..”Outside of the box”.

Perhaps there is great harm being done to animals by Vegetarians. That’s right; perhaps the vegetarians aren’t quite as innocent as they’d like to believe they are. What exactly do animals eat? Let’s see here…well there’s grass, vegetables, plant life, fruits, grains, and other animals. I’d say that is a pretty accurate depiction of an animals diet give or take depending upon the carnivorous or herbivorous nature of the animal. Why does this matter you ask? Well bare with me here. What is known to be found in salads? I know from personal experience that you can easily find lettuce, tomatoes, and green peppers. I also know that there are often croutons in salads, croutons of course containing your bread or grain portion of the food pyramid. Occasionally in salad you will find fruit of some type, an even the occasional lemon grass or humus. You can even find meat in salads, be it pieces of ham and bacon, if not other animals. What does it all mean you ask? It’s simple. Vegetarians are eating…with the exception of other animals…exactly what the animals they love so much are eating! Vegetarians are stealing all of their precious animals’ food. Think about a poor momma bunny gathering food for the young. Only momma doesn’t have much luck. You see the garden the mommy bunny has been sneaking carrots from has been emptied by the humans. That’s right a look inside the kitchen window shows a huge salad as the center piece of the dining room table. All the humans gathered around getting ready to indulge in the homegrown salad complete with tasty lettuce and carrots. Cut to the other side of the window…the mommy bunny watches the family rip into the carrots and lettuce. It’s getting cold outside now and the baby bunnies back at home will surely be starving. Where’s mommy bunny. She’s looking in the window watching what would have been her babies dinner get eaten by these greedy vegetarians. A tear slowly runs down the furry face of the mommy bunny. Looks like her babies will spend another night without delicious carrots…or scrumptious lettuce. Momma bunny can only hope her babies will have enough strength to make it through another cold cold night.

Vegetarians are slowly starving their beloved animals to death. By consuming the identical foods that they consume animals are loosing they’re food sources. Don’t think so? Well look at mad cow disease. How does this whole phenomenon begin? Cow cannibalism. That’s right; cows…out of food desperation. Resort to cannibalism. Now a vegetarian may argue, “Hey but you’re killing the animals because you eat them!” To this I say, yes I eat animals because I’d much rather see an animal come to a quick death then to take the path of the vegetarian and slowly starve the animals to death. I don’t believe in torturing the animals. I think that a quick painless death is the way to go. I also don’t believe in eating all the animals’ food. I don’t sit at home eating all my cats’ cat food in front of her while I mock her. Of course not…that’s just wrong. I eat animals, so that animals can continue to have food. I’m eating the animals for their own good. I’d rather have a quickly and humanely killed tasty bunny in my tummy then look upon a den of dead baby bunnies, starved to death by the well intentioned family of vegetarians.

This folks is satire. However upon doing some research I did however find interesting articles about myths of vegetarianism. As I mentioned before I do enjoy eating meat. However I also enjoy the occasional salad. I don’t truly believe that vegetarians are cold blooded killers. I think it is important to bring to light some of the ways livestock are treated at huge corporate slaughter houses, where there is no purpose of life for the animals other then death. It is an issue. That is why I think it is important to promote the consumption of organically raised meat products. Animals that have been raised with organic foods and without all the chemicals found in the large corporately run slaughter houses where profits are the only concern. In closing, eat what you want to eat…but I’d stay away from the cannibalism though.


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